If you've achieved a National 5 award in English, you can undertake the Higher English course.
Internal Assessments
There are four internal assessments at Higher:

In Unit 1, you'll sit Close Reading and Close Listening assessments where you'll be expected to show that you can understand, analyse and evaluate detailed and complex written and spoken texts.
For Unit 2, you've got to write an essay and take part in a talk activity (group discussion or individual presentation) using detailed and complex language.
In order to sit the final exam, you'll need to achieve a PASS for each unit.
External Assessments
The course is assessed through a folio of writing and an exam:
Folio of Writing
For the folio of writing, you'll send two pieces of writing to be marked by an external examiner. One essay must be creative (imaginative or personal/reflective) and the other must be discursive (argumentative or persuasive). Each piece of writing can gain a maximum of 15 marks.
The Exam
In the exam, in May, you'll sit two papers. One paper, Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation, will be a Close Reading assessment - you'll answer detailed questions about the language and ideas of one non-fiction text and then answer a question where you examine the relationship between the ideas and/or language of the text and another non-fiction text. You will have 90 minutes for the Close Reading assessment and it's worth 30 marks.
The second paper, Critical Reading, has two sections - you'll have 90 minutes to complete this paper. For the first section (Scottish Text), you must answer detailed questions about an extract from a previously studied Scottish text. 10 marks can be gained for answering questions about the extract and a further 10 marks are available for answering a question which requires a broader knowledge of the rest of the text (for a novel/play) or other texts by the writer (for poetry / short stories). The second section will have a selection of questions from five contexts: drama, poetry, prose, film & television drama and language. You must write a critical essay in response to one of these questions, demonstrating your knowledge of a previously studied text - this essay is worth up to 20 marks.
Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation
Critical Reading: Scottish Text (Poetry)
IMPORTANT - If you choose to answer on POETRY for Section One of the Critical Reading Exam (Scottish Text) then you can't write about poetry for Section Two (Critical Essay).
Norman MacCaig
Norman MacCaig (BBC Bitesize): Biography / Annotations
Norman MacCaig (Youtube): STV "Off the Page" Interview video
Norman MacCaig (textualities.net): An Interview with Norman MacCaig
BBC Scotland Article: The Enduring Appeal of Norman MacCaig
Assisi (Scottish Poetry Library): A Copy of the Poem
Assisi (BBC Knowledge): Revision Notes
Wikipedia Entry: Assisi
Britannica Online Encyclopedia: Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Francis of Assisi (Wikipedia): Background Information
Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi (Britannica Online): Background Information
Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi (Wikipedia): Background Information
Culture Cafe Video (BBC): Norman MacCaig reads Assisi video
Assisi (BBC Booknotes): Annotated Copy of the Poem (Registration Required)
Aunt Julia
Norman MacCaig (Scottish Poetry Library): A Copy of the Poem
Aunt Julia (BBC Knowledge): Revision Notes
Basking Shark
Basking Shark (Scottish Poetry Library): A Copy of the Poem
Basking Shark (BBC Knowledge): Revision Notes
Norman MacCaig (Scottish Poetry Library): A Copy of the Poem
Memorial (BBC Knowledge): Revision Notes
Sounds of the Day
Sounds of the Day (Scottish Poetry Library): A Copy of the Poem
Sounds of the Day (BBC Knowledge): Revision Notes
Visiting Hour
Visiting Hour (Scottish Poetry Library): A Copy of the Poem
Visiting Hour (BBC Knowledge): Revision Notes
"Visiting Hour" appeared in the 2015 Higher English exam, a copy of which can be viewed/downloaded here.
Critical Reading: Critical Essay
PEAR Paragraph Workshop: Step-by-step Paragraphing Guide (rhsenglish resource) video
Critical Essay Guide: Part 1 - Exam Timing (rhsenglish resource) video
Critical Essay (BBC Bitesize): Questions / Planning / Critical Terminology
Drama (Revision World): The Nature of Drama Texts
Drama (Revision World): Text and Context
Drama (Revision World): Creating Characters
Drama (Revision World): Plot and Structure
Drama (Revision World): Opening Scenes
Drama (Revision World): Endings
Drama (Revision World): Themes and Issues
Wikipedia Entry: Drama (History / Forms)
Wikipedia Entry: Play (Types / Terminology)
Wikipedia Entry: Fiction (Types and elements of fiction)
Wikipedia Entry: Fiction Writing (Elements of fiction)
Othello - William Shakespeare
Sparknotes: Study notes for the entire text - Plot summaries, character analysis, themes, symbols...
Writing Accuracy (Education Scotland): Knowledge of Language
Writing Accuracy (Grammar Monster): Punctuation / Parts of Speech
Folio of Writing: Creative
Past Papers
2017 Higher (SQA): Critical Reading & RUAE .pdf
2017 Higher (SQA): Marking Instructions .pdf
2016 Higher (SQA): Critical Reading & RUAE .pdf
2016 Higher (SQA): Marking Instructions .pdf
2015 Higher (SQA): Critical Reading & RUAE .pdf
2015 Higher (SQA): Marking Instructions .pdf
Discontinued Higher Past Papers
2015 Higher (SQA): Critical Essay & Close Reading .pdf
2015 Higher (SQA): Marking Instructions .pdf
2014 Higher (SQA): Critical Essay & Close Reading .pdf
2014 Higher (SQA): Marking Instructions .pdf
2013 Higher (SQA): Critical Essay & Close Reading .pdf
2013 Higher (SQA): Marking Instructions .pdf
Close Reading (BBC Bitesize): Basics / Word Choice / Imagery / Sentence Structure
Hazard Perception (BBC Bitesize): Close Reading Techniques Game
Critical Reading Guide (criticalreading.com): Ways to Read / Inference / Grammar
Critical Reading: Scottish Text (Poetry)
Norman MacCaig
Norman MacCaig (BBC Bitesize): Biography / Annotations
Norman MacCaig (Youtube): STV "Off the Page" Interview video
Norman MacCaig (textualities.net): An Interview with Norman MacCaig
BBC Scotland Article: The Enduring Appeal of Norman MacCaig
Assisi (Scottish Poetry Library): A Copy of the Poem
Assisi (BBC Knowledge): Revision Notes
Wikipedia Entry: Assisi
Britannica Online Encyclopedia: Saint Francis of Assisi
Saint Francis of Assisi (Wikipedia): Background Information
Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi (Britannica Online): Background Information
Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi (Wikipedia): Background Information
Culture Cafe Video (BBC): Norman MacCaig reads Assisi video
Assisi (BBC Booknotes): Annotated Copy of the Poem (Registration Required)
Aunt Julia
Norman MacCaig (Scottish Poetry Library): A Copy of the Poem
Aunt Julia (BBC Knowledge): Revision Notes
Basking Shark
Basking Shark (Scottish Poetry Library): A Copy of the Poem
Basking Shark (BBC Knowledge): Revision Notes
Norman MacCaig (Scottish Poetry Library): A Copy of the Poem
Memorial (BBC Knowledge): Revision Notes
Sounds of the Day
Sounds of the Day (Scottish Poetry Library): A Copy of the Poem
Sounds of the Day (BBC Knowledge): Revision Notes
Visiting Hour
Visiting Hour (Scottish Poetry Library): A Copy of the Poem
Visiting Hour (BBC Knowledge): Revision Notes
"Visiting Hour" appeared in the 2015 Higher English exam, a copy of which can be viewed/downloaded here.
Critical Reading: Critical Essay
Critical Essay Guide: Part 1 - Exam Timing (rhsenglish resource) video
Critical Essay Guide: Part 2 - Picking a Task (rhsenglish resource video
Critical Essay Guide: Part 3 - Paragraph Plan (rhsenglish resource)video
Critical Essay Guide: Part 4 - Writing the Essay (rhsenglish resource) video
Critical Essay Guide: Support Sheets (rhsenglish resource) .pdf Critical Essay (BBC Bitesize): Questions / Planning / Critical Terminology
Critical Essay Guide (BBC Bitesize): About the Exam
Booknotes (BBC Bitesize): Annotated texts (including MacCaig poems)
Revision World Guide: Critical Essay Tips
Critical Writing (BBC Bitesize GCSE): Overview
Critical Writing (BBC Bitesize GCSE): Themes and Ideas
Critical Writing (BBC Bitesize GCSE): Characterisation and Voice
Critical Writing (BBC Bitesize GCSE): Overview
Critical Writing (BBC Bitesize GCSE): Themes and Ideas
Critical Writing (BBC Bitesize GCSE): Characterisation and Voice
Drama (Revision World): The Nature of Drama Texts
Drama (Revision World): Text and Context
Drama (Revision World): Creating Characters
Drama (Revision World): Plot and Structure
Drama (Revision World): Opening Scenes
Drama (Revision World): Endings
Drama (Revision World): Themes and Issues
Wikipedia Entry: Drama (History / Forms)
Wikipedia Entry: Play (Types / Terminology)
Wikipedia Entry: Fiction (Types and elements of fiction)
Wikipedia Entry: Fiction Writing (Elements of fiction)
Othello - William Shakespeare
Sparknotes: Study notes for the entire text - Plot summaries, character analysis, themes, symbols...
BBC Bitesize GCSE: Context / Plot / Character / Themes
WikiSummaries: Character and Scene Summaries
Wikiquotes: Othello Quotations
WikiSummaries: Character and Scene Summaries
Wikiquotes: Othello Quotations
Sparknotes Video: Text Summary video
BBC Learning Zone Video 1: Shakespeare's Globe Theatre video
BBC Learning Zone Video 2: Animated Tales (Act One) video
The Tech (MIT): The Entire Play Online
Critical Reading: Critical Essay (Poetry)
IMPORTANT - You can only choose to write about poetry for Section Two of the Critical Reading exam (Critical Essay) if you do not answer questions on poetry for Section One (Scottish Text).
Edwin Morgan
Edwin Morgan (Education Scotland): Poems / Audio
Edwin Morgan (Education Scotland Video): Liz Lochead Interviews Morgan video
Edwin Morgan (Youtube): STV "Off the Page" Interview video
Edwin Morgan (Youtube): STV "Eye to Eye" Interview video
Edwin Morgan Archive (SPL): Biography / Poems / Resources
Edwin Morgan (Official Website): Biography / Work / Gallery
The Death of Marilyn Monroe
Wikipedia Entry: Monroe's Career / Life / Death
Wikipedia Entry: Monroe's Funeral / Conspiracies
Youtube Video: Monroe's Funeral video
Youtube Video: Audio of Lee Strasberg's Eulogy for Monroe video
BBC Booknotes: Annotated Copy of the Poem (Registration Required)
Edwin Morgan
Edwin Morgan (Education Scotland): Poems / Audio
Edwin Morgan (Education Scotland Video): Liz Lochead Interviews Morgan video
Edwin Morgan (Youtube): STV "Off the Page" Interview video
Edwin Morgan (Youtube): STV "Eye to Eye" Interview video
Edwin Morgan Archive (SPL): Biography / Poems / Resources
Edwin Morgan (Official Website): Biography / Work / Gallery
The Death of Marilyn Monroe
Wikipedia Entry: Monroe's Career / Life / Death
Wikipedia Entry: Monroe's Funeral / Conspiracies
Youtube Video: Monroe's Funeral video
Youtube Video: Audio of Lee Strasberg's Eulogy for Monroe video
BBC Booknotes: Annotated Copy of the Poem (Registration Required)
Critical Reading: Critical Essay (Prose Fiction)
Prose (Revision World): Studying a Novel
Sparknotes: Study notes for the entire text - Plot summaries, character analysis, themes, symbols...
BBC Bitesize Higher: Background / Characters / Key Scenes / Theme
BBC Bitesize GCSE: Context / Plot / Character / Themes
Nobel Prize Site: Lord of the Flies game
William Golding Website: Background Information
Sparknotes Video: Text Summary (which, annoyingly, calls the conch "conk") video
BBC Learning Zone Video 1: Historical Context, Part 1/3 video
BBC Learning Zone Video 2: Historical Context, Part 2/3 video
BBC Learning Zone Video 3: Historical Context, Part 3/3 video
Revision World: Powerpoint Presentation
Folio of WritingProse (Revision World): Studying a Novel
Prose (Revision World): Types of Novel
Prose (Revision World): Studying Short Stories
Prose (Revision World): Studying Non-fiction
Prose (Revision World): Opening Pages
Prose (Revision World): Narrative Viewpoint
Prose (Revision World): Characters and their Development
Prose (Revision World): Setting and Atmosphere
Wikipedia Entry: Fiction (Types and elements of fiction)
Wikipedia Entry: Fiction Writing (Elements of fiction)
Wikipedia Entry: Non-fiction (Types of non-fiction)
Wikipedia Entry: Short Story (Overview / History)
Lord of The Flies - William Golding Prose (Revision World): Studying Short Stories
Prose (Revision World): Studying Non-fiction
Prose (Revision World): Opening Pages
Prose (Revision World): Narrative Viewpoint
Prose (Revision World): Characters and their Development
Prose (Revision World): Setting and Atmosphere
Wikipedia Entry: Fiction (Types and elements of fiction)
Wikipedia Entry: Fiction Writing (Elements of fiction)
Wikipedia Entry: Non-fiction (Types of non-fiction)
Wikipedia Entry: Short Story (Overview / History)
Sparknotes: Study notes for the entire text - Plot summaries, character analysis, themes, symbols...
BBC Bitesize Higher: Background / Characters / Key Scenes / Theme
BBC Bitesize GCSE: Context / Plot / Character / Themes
Nobel Prize Site: Lord of the Flies game
William Golding Website: Background Information
Sparknotes Video: Text Summary (which, annoyingly, calls the conch "conk") video
BBC Learning Zone Video 1: Historical Context, Part 1/3 video
BBC Learning Zone Video 2: Historical Context, Part 2/3 video
BBC Learning Zone Video 3: Historical Context, Part 3/3 video
Revision World: Powerpoint Presentation
Writing Accuracy (Grammar Monster): Punctuation / Parts of Speech
Folio of Writing: Creative
"Lost but not Forgotten" (SQA): Imaginative Writing Example .pdf
"Lost but not Forgotten" (SQA): Mark & Assessment Comments
"Can I be Bothered?" (SQA): Personal Writing Example .pdf
"Lost but not Forgotten" (SQA): Mark & Assessment Comments
"Can I be Bothered?" (SQA): Personal Writing Example .pdf
"Can I be Bothered?" Commentary (SQA): Mark & Assessment Comments .pdf
"Scarred" (SQA): Imaginative Writing Example .pdf
Folio of Writing: Discursive
"Scarred" (SQA): Imaginative Writing Example .pdf
"Scarred" (SQA): Mark & Assessment Comments .pdf
"Let Me Count the Ways" (SQA): Imaginative Writing Example .pdf
"Let Me Count the Ways" (SQA): Mark & Assessment Comments .pdf
Prophyria Speaks (SQA): Imaginative Writing Example .pdf
Prophyria Speaks (SQA): Mark & Assessment Comments .pdf
Creative Writing (Guardian Article): Listen to Advice from Authors
"Let Me Count the Ways" (SQA): Imaginative Writing Example .pdf
"Let Me Count the Ways" (SQA): Mark & Assessment Comments .pdf
Prophyria Speaks (SQA): Imaginative Writing Example .pdf
Prophyria Speaks (SQA): Mark & Assessment Comments .pdf
Creative Writing (Guardian Article): Listen to Advice from Authors
Creative Writing (The Guardian): Rules for Writing
Creative Writing (BBC Blast): Good Openings / Plot / Characterisation video
Creative Writing (BBC Blast): Editing / Entertaining the Reader video
Cathy Forde's Masterclass (Scottish Book Trust): The First Line video
Cathy Forde's Masterclass (Scottish Book Trust): Characters video
Cathy Forde's Masterclass (Scottish Book Trust): Dialogue video
Cathy Forde's Masterclass (Scottish Book Trust): Setting video
Cathy Forde's Masterclass (Scottish Book Trust): Music video
Cathy Forde's Masterclass (Scottish Book Trust): Endings video
Keith Gray's Workshop (Scottish Book Trust): Ideas and Inspiration video
Keith Gray's Workshop (Scottish Book Trust): Characters video
Keith Gray's Workshop (Scottish Book Trust): Plot video
Keith Gray's Workshop (Scottish Book Trust): Setting video
Keith Gray's Workshop (Scottish Book Trust): Redrafting video
Creative Writing (BBC Learning): Characters / Dialogue video
Keith Gray's Workshop (Scottish Book Trust): Ideas and Inspiration video
Keith Gray's Workshop (Scottish Book Trust): Characters video
Keith Gray's Workshop (Scottish Book Trust): Plot video
Keith Gray's Workshop (Scottish Book Trust): Setting video
Keith Gray's Workshop (Scottish Book Trust): Redrafting video
Creative Writing (BBC Learning): Characters / Dialogue video
Folio of Writing: Discursive
Example Discursive Essay (SQA): Higher .doc
Example Essay Marks (SQA): Mark for the example essay .pdf
Discursive Writing (Multnomah County Library): Research LinksExample Essay Marks (SQA): Mark for the example essay .pdf
Discursive Writing (BBC Blast Video): Researching Skills Part 1 video
Discursive Writing (BBC Blast Video): Researching Skills Part 2 video
Discursive Writing (BBC Blast Video): Researching Skills Part 3 video
Specimen Question Papers
Higher - Reading for UAE (SQA): Specimen Question Paper
Higher - Critical Reading (SQA): Specimen Question Paper
Higher - Reading for UAE (SQA): Specimen Question Paper
Higher - Critical Reading (SQA): Specimen Question Paper
Past Papers
The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) set the exams for Higher pupils. The following past papers are available online:
2017 Higher (SQA): Critical Reading & RUAE .pdf
2017 Higher (SQA): Marking Instructions .pdf
2016 Higher (SQA): Critical Reading & RUAE .pdf
2016 Higher (SQA): Marking Instructions .pdf
2015 Higher (SQA): Critical Reading & RUAE .pdf
2015 Higher (SQA): Marking Instructions .pdf
Discontinued Higher Past Papers
2015 Higher (SQA): Critical Essay & Close Reading .pdf
2015 Higher (SQA): Marking Instructions .pdf
2014 Higher (SQA): Critical Essay & Close Reading .pdf
2014 Higher (SQA): Marking Instructions .pdf
2013 Higher (SQA): Critical Essay & Close Reading .pdf
2013 Higher (SQA): Marking Instructions .pdf
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