Friday, June 08, 2007

Higher: Climate Change

Here are two really useful links for Climate Change research:

UK Rivers Network - Categorised links

Guardian Unlimited - A site dedicated to Climate Change news

Now your bit:
Find a useful Climate Change story online - one that could be used for your argumentative essay. Add a comment to this post (instructions on the sidebar at the right-hand-side of this page) including:

(i) the web address (URL)
(ii) a quick description of the story, and what stance it takes.

** Remember to write your name **

See the seventh comment on this post for an example. (The A. Pupil one).


Anonymous said...

this is a site which view is stating that there is not alot that we can do to solve climate change.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

good to see some of you getting into the homework bright and early but remember to give a brief description of the article too!

Anonymous said...

gives pictures of the effects of climate change around the world

Anonymous said...

G8 and Climate Change: a Concession or a Convenience?

Against Climate Change.

This article, at, explores the events ahead of the G8 summit. The main point is that, without everyone involved agreeing, the plans to address climate change will falter. It's all about money - the US fears that it will lose jobs to other countries if it strides ahead with climate reform.

Anonymous said...

Don't know how to edit my last comment so I'll just add a new one.
This website provides different types of information about the climate change. There are categories on Evidence, Impacts, Adaption, Policies and more. It gives details on the worrying subject and includes a forum which allows people to have their say on the matter.

Tabitha :)

Anonymous said...

This site tells you a breif about climate change also how it will affect Scotland, it also includes links to other sites.

Anonymous said...

This site desribes the basics of climate change and the evidence to support it. The site also introduces the impacts of global warming and how it can effect us, it also gives information as to what action we need to take to help stop climate change before it's too late.


Anonymous said...

This article takes a balancd opinion on the topic. It gives facts and some statistics about the causes of climate change. This article also tells us about the long term effects of climate change


Anonymous said...

Visit Our Site
THis is the website of an encyclopedia that shows many of the causes and effects of global warming and is largely unbiased

Anonymous said...

This site informs readers of the evidence, impacts, adaptation and policies relating to climate change.

Sarah Brogan

Anonymous said...

This tells a bit about green house gases and what will happen if the temperrature continues to rise. It also says a bit about the Kyoto Protocol.


Anonymous said...

This website is about what issues came up in the g8 summat about climate change.

Anonymous said...

This site gives useful information about climate change. It has the results so far showing various data and graphs. It is supporting the argument for doing something about climate change.

Anonymous said...

This gives a lot of information on the things that could happen if global warming isn't addressed. It also shows some of the adverse weather effects that can happen if nothing is done.

Anonymous said...
this site gives you evidence, impacts, adaptions, policies and links to different sites. So you can get all the information you need for climate change.

Lynn Dowdles

Anonymous said...

This website is seperated into categories on evidence, impacts, adaption, policies and links. It also informs you of what will happen to the world in the future if action is not taken. It also has a forum where people can have their say on climate change.

Anonymous said...

This Website Has A Lot Of Useful Information On Climate Change And Has Very Useful Facts That Are Relevant To The Topic. It Also Explians What Climate Change Is And How This Is Being Caused In The World And How People Can Help To Prevent It Getting Worse.


Anonymous said...

This site gives you evidence, impacts, the adaptation, policies and even links about climate change. It allows you to post a message and have your say on climate change also.


Anonymous said...

this site has a lot of information about climate change in Scotland, it explains alot about what climate change is and how it is affecting us, also gives solutions and predictions if it continues.

Anonymous said...

It's an article about the climate change in Australia. It shows the difference in temperature now compared to what it was in the past, as well as the different weather behaviour in that part of the world.

Anonymous said...

Kirsten Louttit

Its an article on global climate change talking about climate change in different places around the world.

Anonymous said...

Catriona Hogg

Gives a lot of statistics on climate change and what it's doing to Greenland.

Anonymous said...

gives evidence of climate change , impacts, adaptations and links to related sites on climate change.


Anonymous said...

tells you about climate change from around the world and what the weather will be like in 2080. Also gives you links to other sites

Anonymous said...

This is an article discussing whether global warming is cause for concern or a lie.

Andrew K

Anonymous said...

This web page shows lots of various effects caused by global warming and also provides graphs, pie charts etc to give evidence.

Anonymous said...

This article details that greenhouse gases may have more serious consequences that first thought. How the government have now realised that the global warming is at a rate that is unsuitable and how if we carry on this way change could be irreversible.


Anonymous said...

This site shows an over view of Global Warming.
It gives evidence, the changes which will happen over time and what we will need to change.

Anonymous said...

sorry that was a mistake
this is about the what will happen if the ice caps melt and how the capitals of the world will be swamped.
Andy McLean

Anonymous said...,,2032821,00.html

This article is about the argument about what causes climate change - either greenhouse gases(humans) or a 1,500 year unstoppable solar cycle. It also discusses whether we should trust the scientists that are making these assumptions.

Anonymous said...

This site tells you what global warming is and what effects it will cause for the world. It also tells you about what is being done in the UK to stop it and gives you evidence of climate change.


Anonymous said...

This website gives you lots of information on what the worlds leading scientists have to say about the climate change and the affect it could have on the world. It also gives information on how to help stop climate change and what is already being done.


Anonymous said...

This site gives you information on how to cut Co2 emissions, by choosing the right car. This site gave valuble and "interesting" information. ;)

Scott P

Anonymous said...

This site gives information on the impacts of Global Warming and links to other sites.


Anonymous said...

This article explores other things which contribute to global warming, not just carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. It contains quotes from leading scientists in the climate change debate and also has other related article links.

Anonymous said...

This Gives Information On How Too Stop Climate Change And The Impacts Of It

Anonymous said...

This page talks about the melting snow on Kilimanjaro and says it is not because of global warming as Al Gore suggests in his movie.

Anonymous said...

This Gives a lot of interesting facts on Climate Change :).

It also shows a short film and has audio downloads, which may be useful.

Anonymous said...

This website provides different ways of looking at Global Warming, its effects and how it should be challenged.

It gives details on what experts think about the growing problem and how the views have changed over the years. It also gives a couple of problems countries around the world experience - giving a good balance.

Anonymous said...

Catriona Hogg

This story is about MPP's actions to address Ontario's climate change problem. This story believes that climate change should be adressed and quickly.

Anonymous said...

This story gives facts and information on the changes that have taken place throughout the world as a result of climate change. It is based on the for argument.

Anonymous said...
This website tells you about how temperature has increased in the past naturally and explains how it is now thought to be because of greenhouse gases. It also tells you how scientist believe they can solve the problem and explains what the problems are in detail, with links to other sites. It also gives different countries policies on climate change.

Lynn Dowdles

Anonymous said...

'Demand Change On Climate Change' gives facts and information to explain why climate change must be stopped. It gives more than one persons view but are both against climate change. Solutions to global warming are given in one of the storys.

Anonymous said...

This story believes that climate change is a major problem.It shows what the EU's climate change targets are and what it wants to know from other leading international polluters about what they have done and are intending to do on climate change and in particular reducing CO2 emmisions.


Anonymous said...

Against Climate Change - This story specifically covers the growing signs of climate change. Gardeners and surveyors have noticed a steep change in the vegetation and the breeding habits of certain organisms, also they have put forwards their concerns on the problems this may bring in the future. It also details the way in which these people have attempted to overcome the problems. This story has many references to statistics and personal encounters.


Anonymous said...

this article poses some interesting information on climate change and how its not only affecting our planet but is also affecting us. Some scientists say that the increase in asthma attcks and haefever this year have been caused by the gradual change in our climate over the years. tommy

Anonymous said...

Against Climate Change

This article gives information on the major consequences of rising temperatures and how the poorer countries will be heavily affected, the article also gives information on the impacts of climate change for humans and nature.


Anonymous said...

This is a useful website mostly about solutions for climate change and also with a lot of links about evidence of global warming affects

Anonymous said...

This article discusses the other ways of climate change as opposed to green house gases and CO2. It states that some particles from fumes and fires land on snow (dirty snow). These particles absorb more light and heat causing the snow to melt faster. There is also a link to the debate page where you can duscuss the issue further with others.

Anonymous said...

This article discusses the other ways of climate change as opposed to green house gases and CO2. It states that some particles from fumes and fires land on snow (dirty snow). These particles absorb more light and heat causing the snow to melt faster. There is also a link to the debate page where you can duscuss the issue further with others.

It doesnt take a side, it is more informative and gives balanced ideas.

Anonymous said...

a useful story can be found on www. It talks about climate change being a man made process and it takes a very strong stance toward climate change being a man made process and also mentions the effects all over the planet if the temperature of the sea was to go up

Anonymous said...

A useful story can be found at,,2095931,00.html#article_continue
It stance is that climate change should be tackled. It talks about CO2 emmisions and gives good facts and figures on the problem. It talks about the up coming G8 summit for talks on climate change.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This artical is discusses a report which had been published on climate change. It discusses the impacts that climate change could have on various countries.
Its stance is that climate change should be tackled immediately.

Anonymous said... this is very interseting and shows different aspects to climate change

Anonymous said...
This shows statistic predicted in the year 2080 of Climate Change affecting Scotland and the UK.