Monday, June 11, 2007

5-14: Slavery

We all know a bit about the topic of slavery; now try to find out 10 little known facts/stories/images about the subject.

Your group will then collaborate in producing a poster to commemorate

The 200th anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery

Help your group do well by:

  • Leaving enough time to do the research, using the school library if necessary.

  • Writing out the information neatly, in your own words

  • Copying a picture

Click on the blue, underlined links below - or find some sites yourself!

Story of Africa - explains how slaves were taken from Africa

Life as a Slave - work, housing etc; personal stories

Thinking about slavery - rights and wrongs; modern slavery

Abolition of British Slavery - the slave triangle; interactive site

Facts and figures - timeline; who was enslaved

Anti-slavery - modern slavery; child labour

Underground Railroad - interactive site; images

Slave Rebellions - personal stories *

Google Images and “slavery” will bring up lots of images but be warned: some are upsetting.

* This is a PDF file .You can download a free PDF viewer here: Adobe Acrobat Reader.